"My First Experience with Amphibians" by Karlie
Karlie's Korner, September 2007

When I was in third grade, we had 5 pet tadpoles in my classroom. They where African Claw frogs and we got them in the mail. One of them was named Tiny. Tiny was the runt of the "litter."When the rest of the tadpoles started to develop their legs, Tiny's legs wouldn't pop out. After a while, Tiny died. The whole class was sad.

Tiny was our favorite tadpole. Someone in my class made a headstone out of wood. We buried Tiny out by the trees in the school's backyard. After a while, the smaller kids kept kicking the headstone down no matter how many times we told them to stop, so we took the headstone down. No one remembers the exact location of Tiny's burial, but we know around where it is. When the other frogs grew up, at the end of the year, some kids got to take them home. My parents wouldn't let me have one though. I really wanted one. They just kept saying no to me. Now, I'm glad they did because it had to live in water. I like land animals a little better than water ones. They aren't much fun to care for.

This is Bit, an African Dwarf Frog. He lives in water. You can see his photo gallery by clicking here.

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